Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weight loss news: Birth defects increases with obese women during pre-pregnancy

Researchers and doctors are continuing their studies on the effect of obesity and being overweight to the health of a person. This year, recent studies show that there is a significant increase in birth defects of babies whose mother are obese or even overweight during pre-pregnancy and on the pregnancy. Associated birth defects involves the spina bifida and cleft palates birth defects.

Spina Bifida

An individual with this condition will have dysfunction of the spinal cord and associated nerves from the point of the open defect and below. This birth defect is associated with the neural tube where there is an incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube that results in an incompletely formed spinal cord. A surgery can be done after birth however the damage to the nerves is permanent and the surgery cannot restore the normal function of the spinal cord.

Cleft palates

Cleft palates birth defect is an malformation of the facial structure. A cleft lip or palate can be successfully treated with surgery soon after birth.

Among the most significant findings are:

  • The risk of spina bifida was more than twice as high for obese pregnant women.
  • The overall risk of neural tube defects was nearly twice as high.
  • The risk of cardiovascular defects was 30 per cent higher.
  • The risk of cleft lip and cleft palate, either singly or together, was about 20 per cent higher.
  • The risk of hydrocephaly (an abnormal buildup of fluid in the brain) was 60 per cent higher.
  • Limb reduction abnormalities were 30 per cent higher.
The definitions of overweight and obese differed somewhat from study to study, but many studies used those set by the World Health Organization -- a body mass index or BMI of 25 and above for overweight and 30 and above for obese.

Therefore, pregnant women or those who are just conceiving should be aware that their weight matters and have effect not only on their health but also to the infant that they carry in the womb. Moreover, the BMI should be examined along with proper pregnancy ultrasound.