Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BMI (body mass index)

There are some situations that we often wonder why our weight loss efforts fail despite of the "thing" that we already did our best. The culprit may not lie on the weight loss method itself but on the attitude and approach being made to lose weight. Moreover, it is also possible that the weight loss program has not been started rightly as it should be. The key to understanding and assessing our weight loss efforts lies on our honest review of our weight loss program.

Weight loss programs have sprouted in the market like mushroom with the increasing demand for an effective weight loss campaign. However, it should be faced that no matter how strategic a weight loss campaign is, when it is not done properly and your assessment is not done rightly, you can expect a disappointing failure.

Start your weight loss campaign by analyzing your health. This can be done quantifying your health. Calculating your BMI or the body mass index can be your first step to an effective weight loss program.

BMI or the body mass index is the statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height. This tool is used to determine the healthy body weight based on how tall a person is.

Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of his height. The formulas universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m2.

Aside from the formula, the BMI can also be determined with the BMI Chart.

bmi chart


After you are able to compute your BMI, you can then analyze the result with the BMI table (please see figure 2).

body mass index guide

Figure 2. BMI results table

This will let you know if you are under weight, normal or overweight. With this, you can then personalize your weight loss campaign based on your needs.