Monday, August 18, 2008

How does Overweight affect women?

Being overweight can be a social and health problem as well. The fad of being slim these days has been the trend in the society and being overweight can lead to social biases. However the effect of becoming overweight can be more than the emotional aspect and can lead to serious life complications.

When a person has more body fat than the usual or than the body requirement, for it to function normally, an individual is said to be overweight. Being overweight can lead to dramatic health problems and has significant effect on the fertility of a woman. Overweight affect woman in the sense that those who are trying to conceive may have to endure difficulties in the process.

As studies show, women are more prone to weight issues than men. Hence it is very essential that women should maintain a normal weight. One of the fatal diseases that often associated with being overweight is cancer, with breast and womb cancer in particular.

Aside from the hazards to one's health, being overweight can also affect the emotional well being of a woman. Affected by socio-economic factors, being overweight affects women with their self -esteem and their extent of social interaction. Women who are working should be conscious of their physical appearance since are more prone to social stereotyping and may affect their work evaluation. Some employers though might not be aware with this.

Yet despite of these alarming facts, being overweight and the issue of obesity continues to grow among women in the recent years. Therefore, changes in the lifestyle and eating habits must be recognized to bring in good health and minimal health problems. Getting into regular exercise and having an active lifestyle can help women move to a healthier life.

FAST FACTS on Overweight

Why are majority of European & American Women overweight?

And the rest of the World is catching up fast!

According to the Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration, two-thirds of adult American women fall into the overweight or obese category, according to their BMIs (Body Mass Index). If this doesn’t alarm you, then you will be shocked to know that obesity among American women has multiplied between 1980 and 2004 and is still rising. This is especially true with women aged 40 and above.

Moreover, in reference to a prevalence and trend study (1999-2000) published in 2002 by the Journal of the American Medical Association, there are more overweight American men, but more obese American women.

This dramatic growth can be attributed to the modern and more sedentary lifestyle of American women. Desk jobs and a busy work schedule can hinder some to find time to do stretching and regular exercise to burn fats. Another side to this problem is the negative effect of media on women’s health. The unrealistic images of women portrayed in the media make other women detest their physical image. They try to find a shortcut to lose weight to reach unattainable goals in the shortest span, and end up with traumatic experiences. The alarming rise in women suffering from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia nervosa only goes to show that the fad diets and crash diets cause more harm to your body, often irreparable.