Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why does my commercial weight loss plan fails?

Weight loss is not just a trend in the society to show your social status and go with the fad of being "thin" but rather, a growing enlightenment as to its effect on the body and the well-being of a person. While there is an increasing following on weight loss, there are many who are confused why their weight loss plan fails despite of the same effort done by others who successfully lose weight in a period of time. We will further analyze this situation and hopefully give an answer to this confusion.

As more people embark on their weight loss journey, many ask the question why other successfully carry out their program and why they can't. as we all know, people are different, physically, culturally, not to mention the environment where they live. These are some of the reasons why a general weight loss plan fails. Unless one has a personalized diet plan that fit the lifestyle, the environment and considers a person's weakness and strengths, only then can a person successfully reach his goal.

How one can go about this?

Discover yourself first. Evaluate your strength and weaknesses that may hinder your commitment to your weight loss program.

Truthfully assess your environment. This includes your financial capability to support your program, and the moral support of your family.

Make a real personalised weight loss plan. It is very difficult to make a weight loss plan by ourselves. However, there are free weight loss success predictor tools in the internet that would assist us in this aspect. These tools would help us evaluate and plan our next steps in losing weight.

By analyzing these factors, you would understand with far greater certainty if your time and effort will be worthwhile, rather than simply wasting more time on yet another weight loss plan.