Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weight loss method: Liposuction

One of the most popular weight loss method is liposuction. Liposuction is the removal of fats through cosmetic surgery. This is popular with women as it can be done easily through surgery and the result can be realized in a short time. Despite of the advantage however, liposuction does not address the actual weight problems. It is considered as an option to lose weight but it is not used medically as solution in the diagnosed weight loss problem.

or lipoplasty can be done on affected areas, from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, to the neck, backs of the arms and elsewhere in the body. Anaesthesia could be applied when there is a large portion involved but can be skipped if not necessary.

Precautions that are being held prior to liposuction surgery is

* No anticoagulants should be taken for two weeks before the surgery.
* If receiving general anesthesia or sedation, and the surgery will be in the morning, fasting from midnight the night before is required. If only local anesthesia will be used, fasting is not required.
* Smoking must be avoided for about two months prior to surgery. Nicotine interferes with circulation and can result in loss of tissue. (

There are different ways to have a liposuction. Some of the procedures are:

1 Dry liposuction
2 Wet liposuction
3 Super-wet liposuction
4 Tumescent liposuction
5 Laser assisted liposuction

Body contouring surgery through liposuction can help you get the body that you want that cannot achieve through diet and exercise alone. This is effective to those who have fat at areas of the body that traditional weight loss cannot remove.