Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eating slowly can help in weight loss

Have you noticed that most of those who eat slowly have less weight than those who do not? This has become part of studies in weight loss and increased the awareness of the benefits of eating slowly.

Eating slowly has several benefits not only in terms of social interaction but to the health as well. Let us dig deeper into the topic.

Interaction. Most of the important events and discussions in a person's life are made in the dining table. It is because people gather and spend time together over meal. Eat slowly and you will have plenty of time interacting with people.

Improve digestion. Eating slowly gives your body or the stomach enough time to properly digest the food that you eat. Most often, we can observe that eating fast lead us to indigestion.
Lose weight
. It is surprising that there is a scientific basis that eating slowly indeed help a person lose weight. According to studies, the brain is set to give the signal of being full 20 minutes after the food is taken. Therefore, the longer a person takes his meal, the higher the possibility of eating less.