Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why is it difficult to lose weight and keep it of?

Studies have shown that most people who lose weight regain it within a year – known as weight recycling!! The reasons why losing weight permanently is difficult, is both genetic and environmental.

Blame it on your genes if you fail to lose weight after months of battle. Researches from the Tuffs University have identified a gene called perilipin, which regulates the release of fat from the cells. Apart from this information, a lot of other researchers have come to the conclusion that our DNA is already coded and hence all of us cannot benefit from the same weight loss method.

Our modern environment settings contrast very much to our “hunter and gatherer” forefathers. It is postulated by “Adaptation” theorists that our bodies are more adapted to scarce food supplies and eating protein based foods (Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits- Marvin Harris, Eric.B). Our modern life of plenty, high carbohydrate fat rich foods is departure from the prehistoric times. We eat much more, of the wrong food and do very much less. The excess calories are therefore stored.

Disability and Weight Loss

may be facing difficulty losing weight because of an existing disease or disorder. It could be a warning sign for prevalent thyroid problems or heart diseases. Weight gain is a normal symptom for women approaching their menopause. So, you may need to rework the weight loss strategy according to the hormonal changes that occur during menopause.

Thirdly, for obese people who have difficulty losing weight through diet and exercise alone, alternative methods like medication and/or surgery have to be explored.

We now know the key reasons why the vast majority of women lose weight and regain it back fast.

  • Their reasons for weight loss are not firmly worked out.
  • They try to lose weight to please others.
  • They have emotional problems including binge eating and depression.
  • Their environment works against them – they burn off less than they eat –even if they eat very little!
  • They work in isolation – without dedicated support systems which are essential to guide them.
  • They do not know the real secret to successful weight loss! Though simple to understand the weight loss secret code is not always easy to implement without support.
I am sure all of you out there agree with me that it is a bigger challenge maintaining that ideal weight than losing some pounds. Consistency is the mantra! Life is not the same and every day it poses new obstacles. These obstacles could be in the form of low motivation, decreasing emotional support, work pressure, and of course the biggest enemy – parties. It definitely takes a lot of will power and determination to stick to your plans.